From active teachers to retired educators, the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) is asking everyone to help students improve their grades in Southeast San Diego.
SDUSD leaders announced plans this afternoon to expand summer school classes through partnerships with local churches and community organizations, according to the SDUSD Communications Director Linda Zintz. The goal is to support students academically and encourage them to accomplish their goals through a strong education.
The announcement came at the St. Stephen’s Church of God on 5825 Imperial Ave. Zintz said leaders from SDUSD were joined by community representatives from Southeast San Diego.
By partnering with local churches, SDUSD will be able to offer summer school to students starting on July 9. According to Zintz, the classes will continue for six more weeks on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon.
The pastor and founder of St. Stephen’s Church of God in Christ, George D. McKinney, will be using his church to host summer school, said Zintz. Other churches under the Southern California Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction will also contribute to the program. SDUSD will soon post a list of the religious and community organizations that are hosting summer school on their website.
Students who enroll will have free access to educational services such as tutoring in math, reading and writing. Zintz said they will also be mentored in self-esteem, teamwork, self-pride, conflict resolution and community pride.
Some officials who were present at the announcement include SDUSD President Mike McQuary, Trustee Sharon Whitehurst-Payne, Superintendent Cindy Marten and other community leaders, according to Zintz.
The project is not receiving any funding from the government. This program has relied exclusively on volunteer contributions, said Zintz. Retired and active educators as well as volunteer tutors are donating their time to help students.
The program is currently aiming to provide a free early lunch for the students as well, according to Zintz. SDUSD Trustee Dr. Sharon Whitehurst-Payne is reaching out to prominent business leaders in an effort to gain more donations.
Anyone who would like to volunteer can call the Volunteer Site Director, Elder John Powell, at 619-262-2671.