‘Just Do The Thing': Middle-Schooler Churns Up Shea Butter Empire

Dreah Dreah Shea Butters was founded by a Spring Valley middle schooler at the age of 10.

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At the ripe age of 12, Andreah Harry is already running the family business.

Two years ago, Andreah reached the breaking point with her dry skin.

“I have very dry skin and all the lotions my mom was buying were not working for my skin. It wasn't moisturizing it at all,” she explained.

Andreah’s mom, Rae Harry, told her to use her skills at scouring the internet to find a solution.

“She loves YouTube,” Rae Harry said. “And I'm like, 'you're always on there watching videos. Why don't you do some research and find something to help your skin?'”

Andreah did just that and came up with her own special recipe. After a few trials and errors, and testing on a few trusted family members, Dreah Dreah Shea Butters was born.

Andreah's shea butter comes in a handful of scents. Her mom is in charge of scouting out places to sell it, and her brother, a student at Humboldt State University, handles the product design.

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