Child Protective Services is investigating a report of an incident at an elementary school in La Mesa involving three boys -- one of whom is a first grader.
The incident allegedly happened Thursday at Northmont Elementary School during an Extended School Services program run by the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District. The program is described as a summer camp where parents from across the district send their children to summer day care.
NBC 7 has confirmed that three boys -- a 6th grader, a third grader, and a first grader -- slipped away during recess, went into a classroom and engaged in inappropriate contact.
"The incident was reported to us, we did an investigation. It doesn't appear there was any crime and the incident was reported to Child Protective Services and the school did exactly what it was supposed to do," said Lt. Chad Bell with the La Mesa Police Department.
The alleged incident happened during recess at the Northmont Elementary School, and there were no adult witnesses; one of the students told his parent.
School District Superintendent Brian Marshall said because of confidentiality rules, he cannot even confirm an incident occurred.
But he spoke generally about social media and cautioned parents, saying that in β2017, inappropriate material is more prevalent than it's ever been."
"We encourage all of our families to be very vigilant with their children and their children's use of electronic media and the internet, their iPhones and other smart devices. We really want parents to be very aware of what their children are accessing on social media," Marshall said.
It is unknown whether social media played a role in the alleged incident. The inappropriate behavior may have been learned at home.
CPS is investigating the incident. Meanwhile, the District is also investigating why the three students were able to slip away from recess without notice.
It is not known at this time whether the supervisor of the summer program was on campus at the time of the alleged incident.