Five masked men, at least three of which had guns, robbed the Royal Maui Jewelry store at Fashion Valley Mall Saturday night, San Diego police (SDPD) confirmed.
The attempted robbery happened at approximately 8 p.m. at the mall on the 7000 block of Friars Road.
When the suspects entered the store, they grabbed the security guard's arm and tried to rush him, police said. The security guard fired one round at the suspect, police said, but missed.
The suspects fled, running through the mall. One man dropped a gun, which police found and seized.
When police pulled up to the area, they saw one suspect and arrested him.
As police searched for the second suspect, a part of State Route 163 was shut down, snarling evening traffic.
Both northbound and southbound traffic re-opened later. During that time, a woman went into labor while stuck on the 163; medics arrived shortly after 9 p.m. and was taken to the hospital. She did not give birth on the freeway.
A second suspect was arrested.
Police said they recovered disguises, including wigs, near the San Diego riverbed, which were believed to have been used in the robbery .
Three more suspects are still outstanding in connection with the robbery. Police did not have detailed suspect descriptions for the outstanding men.
There were no reported injuries.
No further information was immediately available.