Fan Contends Law Enforcement ‘Bullied' Concertgoers at KAABOO

“It turned into a big chaotic riot of people just throwing stuff, fights breaking out, cops tackling people with pepper spray, tasers, it was the whole nine yards for sure"

Just as hip-hop artist Ludacris was set to take the stage Saturday night disorder overtook Kaaboo.

“It turned into a big chaotic riot of people just throwing stuff, fights breaking out, cops tackling people with pepper spray, tasers, it was the whole nine yards for sure,” fan David Lopez said.

Lopez said San Diego Sheriff's deputies ordered people to leave.

That’s one reason why people weren't too happy when Kaaboo later tweeted that Encore was at capacity, all acts were on schedule and deputies had contained what they called "unruly guests."

“They weren't giving us any information at all. And that frustrated me the most,” Lopez said.

For others, the experience was the opposite. A Kaaboo spokesperson apologized to those who couldn't enjoy Encore, saying they couldn't allow more people in the venue due to safety reasons.

Still, one fan said he felt far from safe.

“There were three police officers that I would say I was legitimately scared of,” he told NBC 7.

Authorities say the crowd became unruly, but the man argues that deputies were to blame.

“It seemed like sort of a bullying situation where they were inciting it instead of stopping the incidents from happening,” he contended.

Deputies arrested up to four people, at least one for pushing a sergeant.

One of the witnesses who spoke to NBC 7 after the incident contacted NBC 7 in 2024 and asked for his name to be removed, which has been done — Ed.

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