A young woman was assaulted on her morning jog in Little Italy, right in the middle of the new Piazza Famiglia. It happened at 6:07 Friday morning, by the Princess Pub on India Street.
Witnesses described hearing screams and called the incident terrifying.
“I’m a little scared, I must admit it,” said Beba Bonis. She works at a nearby restaurant.
Police say a 28-year-old woman was jogging when a man approached her and kicked her head. A construction worker in the area immediately ran to stop the assault, then chased after the suspect.
Surveillance video obtained by NBC 7 shows the construction worker running after the suspect, even throwing his helmet at him. Moments later, the worker is joined by his colleagues who chase and tackle the suspect a block and a half away. Police arrested the suspect outside the 7-Eleven on Kettner Boulevard.
“It stopped a bad situation from getting worse,” said Captain Mike Holden with the San Diego Police Department.
The identity of the suspect has not been released, but police say he is not a transient.
Witnesses described the victim as having a swollen and bloodied face, but she is expected to make a full recovery.