Days after the interrogations and collection of evidence ended inside an unincorporated El Cajon Mobile Home Park, two lingering questions remain: who killed 84 year old Jose Campos and perhaps even more perplexing, why?
Campos’ son returned to his home Saturday night to find his elderly father covered in blood.
"I was the one who left him last and I left him fine. I even shut the door on him and when I got back his door was wide open and just blood all over the floor," said Juan Campos.
The former gardener from Guadalajara Mexico turned U.S. citizen, moved in with his son’s family last year.
Jose Campos didn't speak much English according to his son, but enjoyed sitting in an old office chair out front watching the local kids play.
"He would say hi, bye, have a nice day. Other than that, he was a pretty quiet man," said Campos.
Saturday night, he watched T.V. in bed and his son shut the door to his bedroom as he left for what he estimates was just a little more than an hour.
Sheriff’s homicide investigators say the 911 call came in at 9:46 p.m. on with a frantic Campos asking for help as he repeatedly attempted CPR on his dad who had severe trauma to his upper body.
With a killer on the loose, Sheriff's investigators sealed the autopsy report and haven't released any details on a possible suspect or motive.
"I would like to know who did it and make sure he gets what he deserves. Justice,” said Campos.