Chula Vista

Operation Chill: CVPD to Hand Out Free Slurpee Coupons to Kids Doing Good Deeds

Tim Sloan/AFP/Getty Images

The Chula Vista Police Department will join other law enforcement agencies and 7-Eleven during their Operation Chill program, where they will hand out free slurpee drink coupons to kids caught doing good deeds.

For over 25 years, 7-Eleven has worked with police and sheriff's departments to distribute the coupons to deserving children and youth. This year, 7-Eleven will issue 1.5 million Slurpee drink coupons to more than 1,100 law enforcement agencies.

"The Chula Vista Police Department will use the drink coupons to enhance relationships with young people by rewarding them for good deeds, constructive activities and acts of kindness," CVPD said in a release.

Officers will be on the lookout for kids helping out another person, following safety and traffic laws, or taking part in a community-or police-sponsored event.

“The future of our community’s safety depends on our youth,” said Chief Kennedy. “Chula Vista Officers work hard each day to build positive and constructive relationships across our community. We are happy to partner with 7-Eleven again to further our efforts to build new relationships and enhance community trust.”

Each coupon can be redeemed for a medium Slurpee drink at participating 7-Eleven stores.

For more information on Operation Chill, click here.

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