Anxious fans packed into Qualcomm Stadium for the Chargers home opener Sunday, and with a lot at stake this season, more than ever the team has something to prove.
“It might be the last season,” fan Paulette Sauln told NBC 7.
"It is a ‘make or break it’ year,” fan Michele Stress said. “The Chargers have to be on their game and they have to do everything they can to bring people to the stadium."
But to build the stadium the Chargers want, the team’s downtown stadium initiative will have to pass on the November ballot.
"All those people on the fence, if the Chargers don't win, they're not going to vote for the new stadium,” Sauln said.
Though fans disagree whether the stadium should be in Mission Valley or downtown they all agree they don’t want the team to go to LA.
“I’m not, not ever going to a football game in LA. Not doing it. No,” Sauln said emphatically.
But Sauln and the others hope the more points the Chargers can score on the field will mean more points scored with fans.
“They better win because we need to boost up voting morale so we can get more Chargers fans to vote,” fan Martell Duplesis said. “We need all the support we can get go Chargers.”