A whole lot of Chargers fans (former and present) are still mad about the team moving to Los Angeles. And some of them are looking for ways to make sure everyone knows how upset they are.
“I’m not going to just sit here and let the NFL leave my city after being screwed over by a greedy owner,” said Joseph MacRae, who has a particularly large bone to pick with Chargers Chairman Dean Spanos.
The Chargers will be playing their home games in Carson and if MacRae’s plan comes together, when Spanos drives to the StubHub Center he might not like what he sees.
“The goal is to put up billboards in Los Angeles really close to the StubHub Center that will be anti-NFL, anti-Spanos,” said MacRae, who is also known as "S.D. Sign Guy.” He’s the one who heckled Spanos at the Chargers event at The Forum in Los Angeles, visibly rattling Dean.
MacRae has started a campaign to try and construct three billboards on freeways around the stadium in Carson, two of them calling out Spanos and one taking issue with the NFL for allowing the Bolts to leave America’s Finest City. He wants to have them up by the start of September because after opening the season on the road in Denver the Chargers play three consecutive home games.
“A billboard in Los Angeles has to be up for four weeks so we would be just in time for all three of their home games,” said MacRae.
He's started a Go Fund Me page called "Fight For L-A Billboards” hoping to raise $15,000 dollars for the signs. He’s also asking disgruntled Raiders fans from Oakland to join in. As a lifelong Chargers fan, McCrae's motivation is simple.
“It’s to keep getting at Dean. Dean does not like to be trolled and we all know that. For him to move to this Fight 4 L.A. and all this and then about a couple of miles away you’re getting trolled in your own city by some folks from San Diego and Oakland, I think it would be amazing.”
MacRae raised more than $8,000 in two weeks. If you’d like to donate to the cause, click here.