Afro-Latina Singer Discusses Double Discrimination Experienced in San Diego

A Black woman adopted by her Mexican parents spoke with Telemundo 20 about the discrimination she’s experienced because of the color of skin and nationality

Sarah Palafox speaks with Telemundo 20 to share her experience of discrimination as an Afro-Latina woman.
Telemundo 20

The multiculturism of a person can be an important piece of one’s identity. However, coming from different cultures could result in double discrimination.

Sarah Palafox, a woman who identifies as Afro-Latina, spoke with NBC 7’s sister station, Telemundo 20, about the intersection of racism behind being a Black woman and having Mexican parents.

Palafox’s biological parents are African-American and she was adopted by a Mexican couple a few days after she was born.

She said she feels lucky because of the diversity in her identity, but also admits that she’s been subjected to double discrimination for that very same reason.

“It’s said that people see us differently just because of the color of our skin,” Palafox told Telemundo 20.

Sarah explained that on occasions, she needs to adjust her appearance so people will take her seriously.

“When I go to an interview, I’m always thinking to use wigs and to straighten my hair because with our afro, people will see us as ‘unprofessional,’” she said.

Despite considering herself Mexican at heart, Palafox said she’s witnessed acts of discrimination by the Latino community, itself.

She added that at times, people assume she doesn’t speak Spanish and some individuals make racist comments about her skin tone and abilities.

Palafox’s father said that ever since she was a young girl, he’s seen acts of racism and adds that no child should ever experience that.

Now, Palafox is asking the community to open their eyes and support the ongoing protests that are calling for the end of discrimination against the Black community and police brutality.

She added that the majority of people seek to raise their voices in a peaceful manner and those who commit acts of vandalism only take advantage of the situation.

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