In a special week-long series, NBC 7 San Diego's Marianne Kushi, Jason Austell, Whitney Southwick, Jodi Kodesh, Megan Tevrizian and Kelly McPherson show how they get ready to face the day every morning.
They range from special websites to select your wardrobe, to concealer that will mask anything, a breakfast that's high in fiber and protein to an exercise routine that can be done anytime, anywhere.
These early risers have collected some unique tips and tricks that help them look wide awake when most people are just rolling out of bed.
If you missed any of them, here are their stories:
Monday: Jodi Kodesh
Tuesday: Marianne Kushi
Wednesday: Kelly McPherson
Thursday: Jason Austell
Thursday: Megan Tevrizian
Friday: Whitney Southwick
Got a question you'd like to ask our morning team? Let us know what you think. Comment below, send us your thoughts via Twitter @nbcsandiego or add your comment to our Facebook page.