U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul is working hard to assure National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden is extradited to the U.S., according to NBC News. McFaul has been vigorously working phones and social media to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to "do the right thing" and hand over the 29-year-old former NSA-contractor, who is reportedly in a transit zone at Moscow's airport awaiting a possible asylum from Ecuador. McFaul has sent many messages through blog posts and tweets--often in Russian-- in an attempt to win over young Russians. After Putin said he was unable to extradite Snowden because there was no such treaty between the U.S. and Russia, McFaul tweeted: "Over last 5 yrs US has returned 1,700 Russian citizens to Russia w/ 500+ of them being criminal deportations." McFaul, a Stanford University academic and Russia expert, arrived in Moscow about a year and a half ago.