San Diego

‘SD United' to Support Military, Veterans and Their Families in San Diego

Through a collaborative effort, 2-1-1 San Diego will launch a Care Coordination system to support local military and veterans in San Diego.

A program dubbed "SD United" launched in San Diego Monday to create one of the region's first technology support platforms for military service members, veterans and their families.

The telephone resource center, 2-1-1 San Diego, launched the program at 10 a.m. in the Connections Center, with the Vets Care Coordination Committee, according to 2-1-1 San Diego. That's located on the 3800 block of Calle Fortunada near Kearny Mesa.

The San Diego Veterans Coalition and the region's Peer to Peer hub at Courage to Call will work together to form a care coordination network, according to 2-1-1 San Diego. The program will aim to improve access for the military and veteran families to all of their resources. Through enhanced community collaboration, they hope to ensure that nobody who served the country gets left behind.

At the conference, there was a demonstration of the SD United technology system. On the website, veterans can enter their name and information, and then the information is forwarded to someone working at the center. Then the center contacts the military member and shares their information with other service providers, so they will be prepared to efficiently handle their case.

"This is specifically set up to make sure the onus on getting the veteran or family member the service is on us as a service provider, so taking that burden off those in need and making sure we're helping them all the way through their connection to get their needs met," said Gabriel Kendall, Associate Director of programs at the center.

SD United will be built across 13 key areas of community service that affect our military and veteran community, according to the center. The goal is to build a trusted Care Coordination system that provides long-lasting support for San Diego's military, veterans and their families.

If someone is interested is using the services, visit their website or just call 2-1-1 on the phone.

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