A new, quirky, NBC comedy series set in the universe of DC Comics used San Diego Comic-Con as its launching pad Friday, offering a glimpse into the world of "Powerless."
The show gave comic book fans a sneak peek at its panel Friday, which included stars Vanessa Hudgens, Danny Pudi, Alan Tudyk and Ron Funches. The pilot's director, Michael Patrick Jan, along with the show's creator, Ben Queen, also took the stage for the Q&A session.
Our cast is looking super today, don't you think? #Powerless #SDCC2016 pic.twitter.com/1GYJbymSo9
— Powerless (@NBCPowerless) July 22, 2016
Before the panel started, the audience was treated to a screening of "Powerless." Laughter spread around the room as the crowd enjoyed the show.
Vanessa Hudgens said that she is excited to play a character who is brave and is willing to stand up for her friends and coworkers.
Queen then talked about the series and the unique universe in which it's set.
"It's in its own universe within the DC Universe (DCU). DC let us talk about all aspects of the DCU and has let us make this an NBC documentary-style show," he explained.
The show revolves around average people living and working in a world full of superheroes and villains, a la "Parks and Recreation," but set in a comic book world.
This new comedy series, expected to debut on NBC this fall, gives the frequent superhero show a twist sure to find its place among fans of the DC Universe.