How Safe Are San Diego Colleges?

The shooting at Umpqua College, in which at least ten people died Thursday, calls into question the security of our own local colleges and universities.

According to officials deputies in San Diego are part of a joint security task force that oversees all the colleges in the county.

The University and College Law Enforcement Task Force meets monthly to look at trends and do joint trainings, which include active shooter drills. An official with the San Diego Community College District says they do active shootings training at least two times a year, up from the once a year training most other colleges do.

The task force plans to look into what happened in Oregon, as they’ve done with the shootings in Santa Barbara and Santa Monica and others, to see what law enforcement could have done differently.

Southwestern College’s chief of police says they are fully prepared if something were to happen.

Grossmont College Sgt. Richard Groggin says students need to be aware.

β€œWe are here. We want the students to talk to us,” Groggin told NBC7. β€œIf you see something out of the ordinary please get ahold of a deputy…We are here to assist however needed.”

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