Bernie Sanders Rallies at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego

Bernie Sanders spoke at a rally in the parking lot of Qualcomm Stadium June 5

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders visited San Diego again Sunday for another rally, this time at Qualcomm Stadium. 

"Freedom is never given to people, people have to struggle and fight for their freedom," Sanders told a large crowd of supporters in the stadium parking lot. 

During his speech Sanders criticized presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump over his statements about women and minorities and his stance on issues like climate change and raising the minimum wage. 

He also pointed out the differences between his campaign and Hillary Clinton's, reminding voters he does not have a Super Pac. He also said he and Clinton have different views on raising the minimum wage and ending fracking. 

He railed against "billionaires buying elections," having a "rigged economy" and the "broken criminal justice system." 

Instead of building jail after jail he said he wants "to build school after school." 

"We need to have the best educated workforce in the world," he said. He said the cost of college should not stop anyone from getting an education and he believes college should be tuition free. 

Sanders explained he would pay for free tuition by "imposing a tax on Wall Street speculation."

"When we come together as one people there isn't anything we cannot accomplish," Sanders told supporters Sunday. 

Our job is to unite families not divide families," Sanders said while talking about immigration reform explaining he would push for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. 

He called California's primary on Tuesday "the most important primary of the entire nominating process," and said if turnout was high he believed his campaign would win. 

The rally included appearances by celebrities like George Lopez and Shailene Woodley, as well as Nahko and Medicine for the People, Michael Mowgli & The Altruists and Joel Rafael.

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Kendrick Sampson and Dr. Cornel West also joined in support of Sanders.

The U.S. Senator has already visited San Diego several times, including a two-day trip two weeks ago, when he rallied in National City on May 21 and in Vista on May 22.

Comedian and actor George Lopez joined Sanders at his National City rally, while β€œDivergent” actress Shailene Woodley introduced Sanders at his Vista event.

Sanders’ trip to San Diego comes within two days of the June 7 California Primary.

In recent weeks, Sanders' rivals have visited San Diego too, including Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Bill Clinton also rallied on behalf of Hillary Clinton's campaign in San Diego on May 21.

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