How to Live Happily Ever After with Your Dog

If Fido needs attitude adjustment there's help out there.

          Not every dog can be the "best in show" but doggie owners can certainly become proud of  their canine pets.   "How to Live Happily Ever After with Your Dog" is a workshop offered up by the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA  Feb 24. It teaches new owners how to get started on the right foot with their dog according to Candace Eley of the Humane Society.  The workshop covers house training, socialization with people and other animals, calmness in home, communication with your dog, basic nutrition. 

           It's usually offered once a month for free to owners who adopt a dog from the Humane Society and $35 to those who obtained their dogs elsewhere. Reservations are required. And if dog owners need some specialized courses, there are other classes geared toward the "urban pup" or for the "shy dog" or "feisty Fido" . There's even a course on how to train your dog to come when called, all the time, every time and for the uber athletic hound, there are "dog sports classes".

            So if your Diego or Ninja or Muffy is misbehavin' you can click on San Diego Humane Society for more information on these dog training workshops.

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