Cathay Manor Sale Plagued with Complications for Senior Citizen Residents

Affordable housing for Chinatown senior citizens riddled with problems for tenants and community alike.

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

Initially designed to be an economical option for senior citizens in Chinatown, the Cathay Manor has proven to be problematic.

With issues including exposed wiring, holes in walls, lack of lighting and locked community rooms filled with trash, off limits to residents.

The tenant association president of the 270 unit building and blames the problems on owner Donald Toy and his nonprofit, Chinese Community on Aging Housing Corporation. 

With visible cockroaches and falling tiles, the housing has proven to be completely substandard.

Congressman Jimmy Gomez got involved more than a year ago when residents started complaining about health and safety violations, including laundry equipment and elevators out of service in the 16-story building, leaving many of the elderly residents trapped in their apartments.

All this, despite Toy’s nonprofit receiving millions of dollars in subsidized rent from the federal government.

With missing funds and resources meant to be used to maintain the building, questions arose.

Toy and his nonprofit were charged with 16 misdemeanors and the property is up for sale. The potential buyer is said to have a connection with Toy and the current management.

Congressman Gomez sent a letter to Housing and Urban Development on Monday, which holds the mortgage, urging the federal agency to ensure the property is sold to an independent and culturally competent nonprofit.

Gomez has already received assurances the building will remain affordable until the year 2060. 

Toy will be arraigned in criminal court later this week and Cathay Manor residents say they will be in attendance at the courthouse to protest.

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