Storm Topples Trees Into Homes, Car

A 100-foot tall eucalyptus crashed down onto two town homes, while a long palm tree broke onto a car

San Diego's recent bout of bad weather sent a huge eucalyptus tree tumbling down on two town homes in Chula Vista Friday night.

Giant is the only way to describe the tree lost in the storm. It once stood 100 feet tall -- neighbors know that because its twin remains standing next to the fallen tree.

SDG&E has cut off the power, maintenance has secured the structure for the night and fortunately the residents were not home at the time this powerful storm brought down the 40-year-old timber.

But now, the only thing between Karla Rodriguez' home and the next storm is a thin plastic tarp.

β€œI was in complete shock I couldn't believe it,” Rodriguez said.

Had she been home 30 minutes earlier, she would have been in danger when the tree came crashing down. She lost the roof and a second-floor room, but not her dog Pokey.

Late Friday afternoon gusts were responsible for a lot of close calls .

Ken Martin said a mostly dead palm tree was an accident waiting to happen. It stood at the corner of Pacific Beach Drive and Fanuel Street for many years.

The storm broke the trunk at the base, and it came crashing down on his neighbor's car. The owner is currently vacationing in Hawaii.

β€œI think they are going to make it into a convertible now,” Martin joked.

Mission Boulevard went underwater. It didn't seem to stop traffic, but residents of the area were inventing new ways of getting around .

β€œWe're carrying our nice shoes and wearing flip flops just trying to get across the street. Our cars are trapped in the water," Victoria Hambuy said.

β€œIt's been crazy. When we were out putting the sandbags out, there were cars spraying water from puddles on us,” Samantha Patterson said.

The storm has been the worst of the winter season. Despite the losses, some consider it a lesson learned.

β€œI definitely won’t be near any trees, that's for sure -- especially eucalyptus trees,” Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez is not sure what she'll come home to when the sun comes up. She is very concerned about that second tree near her home should high winds return.

The property owner planned to bring in an arborist to determine whether it needs to be cut down.

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