San Diego

San Diego Ranks Low For Millennial Living, List Says

When it comes to the perfect city for millennials to live in, San Diego is ranked low, according to a new survey. 

A list released by shows the top 2018 Best Cities for Millennials. San Diego was ranked #44.

β€œIt’s incredibly expensive to live here,” said Holly Kraul, a millennial who lives in San Diego. β€œAt our last place, our rent was $2,300 and it was a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment.” 

While maybe hypothesized that it was due to the high cost of living, San Francisco, a city with higher housing rates, was #2 on the list.

"In the Bay Area they have a lot higher incomes," said Alan Gin, a professor of economics at the University of San Diego. "It makes it somewhat more affordable than what we have here in San Diego." 

While San Diego received an "A" rating for public schools, nightlife and diversity, it received a "C+" for crime and safety and a "C" rating for housing. 

The crime and safety rating was based on the number of assaults, rapes, murders and robberies in the city compared to other places. 

According to the list, the median household income in San Diego in 2018 is $68,117, a little higher than the national average of $55,322. 

"They call it the sunshine tax," said Gin. "You accept lower wages in order to live in the sunshine." 

The #1 best city for millennials, according to the list, is Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

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