The family of a father who was pulled out of a fiery wreck by two strangers is desperate to reunite with one of the heroes who gave their dad a second chance at life.
Father Alex Kon was driving to Irvine when his Mustang’s engine died, leaving him stalled and stranded in the middle of the highway. He clicked on his hazard lights but two cars still smashed into him.
Alex’s son Coby says his dad was knocked unconscious by the impact as the trunk of his sports car burst into flames.
As the flames charred the car, two drivers pulled over and ran to Alex’s aid. They unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled him out of the car to safety.
Cell phone video taken after the rescue shows Alex’s car engulfed in a tower of flames.
Nicole hit record on her phone while they waited for paramedics to take over.
NBC 7’s Joe Little was able to track down one of the two good Samaritans, Dr. Nicole Kent. She says the other man who saved Alex, known only to them as Dan, is the one who deserves all the credit.
Dr. Kent says she only got out of her car when she saw Dan get out of his.
“If Dan hadn’t stopped, I don’t know what would have happened,” Kent said. “I’m just really glad and really grateful that I was in that right spot at the right time.”
When Alex came to he was able to give Kent his wife’s phone number. That phone call helped the family reached out to Kent so they could say thank you. Unfortunately for Alex and his family, Dan didn’t stick around.
“[He was] a handsome young guy,” Kent said of Dan. “Looked like he was dressed to go out.”
Coby is just thankful that Dan wasn’t in too much of a hurry to get to where he was going, and that Kent followed his example.
“When you’re driving by on the freeway and you see an accident like that, almost no one is going to stop, pull over to the side of the road, pull a guy out of a burning car, and then stay with him after to make sure he’s okay. They were really special people.
Coby and Kent maintain that Dan’s quick action saved Alex’s life.
According to Coby, Alex is still in the hospital recovering from several broken ribs and some cracked teeth. He’s grateful to Dan and Dr. Kent, and happy that his dad is still alive.