San Diego

Heavy Rain, Difficult Conditions Prompt Tricky, Hours-Long Rescue in Remote Area Near Dehesa

Heavy rain and difficult conditions made for a tricky, hours-long rescue when three men hiking at Sloane Canyon near a waterfall got stuck when injured and called for help, according to the San Diego Sheriff’s Department.

The rescue happened at approximately 6 p.m. Saturday near Beaver Hollow Valley, near the remote area of Dehesa when the three men, between the ages of 19 and 22, were out hiking. 

One of the men reportedly had a lacerated hand and a head injury from falling several feet onto his head, deputies said. 

The men said they often hiked this area without issue, but on Saturday the heavy rain stopped them on a rock on the side of the mountain. 

Due to the difficult weather, the Sheriff and Police helicopters could not fly for the rescue. San Diego Deputies, Cal Fire and Sycuan Police officials responded on foot to search for the men. 

They found the man on a large rock on the side of the hill, unable to get down themselves. 

San Diego Fire Copter 2 flew in during a break in the weather, but were forced to leave when heavy rain returned. A Coast Guard copter also responded, but due to the heavy terrain and rain, they were forced to return to land. 

The rescue lasted for hours due to the terrain and rain conditions. 

Sheriff's Search and Rescue and Cal Fire officials used ropes and pulleys to help the hikers down the hill. 

The last hiker was safely rescued at 1:30 a.m. Sunday. 

All three subjects refused medical attention after the rescue. 

No other information was immediately available.

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