Prove You're Vaccinated: Bars, Restaurants Move Toward Vaccine Requirement

NBC Universal, Inc.

As COVID-19 cases surge in California, many bars and restaurants outside of San Diego are requiring patrons to prove they have been vaccinated prior to being allowed inside.

As of Monday, though, it does not appear the policy has been adopted by any businesses in San Diego County. That could change by the weekend, however.

“It could be by the weekend, maybe early next week,” said Matthew Ramon, who is with Urban MO’s Bar & Grill, in Hillcrest.

On Monday, Ramon asked his employees to begin wearing face masks as a precaution.

In May, the restaurant held a party restricted to those who proved they were vaccinated. In all likelihood, a policy requiring proof of vaccination would be supported by the community, according to Ramon.

“I think everybody should have their card or something on their phone with them so they can prove that they’ve been vaccinated," North Park resident Justin Biermann told NBC 7. "Otherwise, they shouldn’t be allowed into the restaurants or places where other people could be exposed. Innocent people could be exposed to people who are not being responsible and getting the vaccine,”

But in El Cajon, one business owner did not like the idea of requiring patrons to show proof of vaccination, calling it an invasion of privacy. He said he would only put the policy in place if it was mandated by the state.

Other patrons said they wouldn’t necessarily be against the policy.

“If you did go into a restaurant and they did require you to do that, I would say good on them," said Matthew Cirello of Lakeside. "Because the more people we can encourage to get this and to take this seriously, the less people are going to die."

“I don’t think it’s a wrong thing, if that’s what that business wants to do in order to stay open, to make sure their customers are safe, and they’re doing their part," said Madison Rockwell of El Cajon. "I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that."

The policy has caused an uproar on social media, where some people say a vaccination requirement amounts to discrimination and creates two classes of people.

On Monday, the San Francisco Bar Alliance officially recommended that all 500-plus establishments in the alliance ask patrons for proof of vaccination (or a negative test within 72 hours) prior to entry. The policy starts on Thursday.

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