From BoHo to beautiful — Our web site has a new look


Operation face lift is in the can, and a big shout out to Dave deBruyn of deBruyn Design for the long-overdue intervention.

Steve tends to think of me as a tech-savvy marvel, but the reality is that I live on the far outskirts of Geekdom. I hang with the techie kids, but what I know about magic computer language (I think they call it “code”) is just enough to get me into trouble. Sure, I can embed stuff on our sites, having long ago become the master of cut and paste, but nine times out of nine the changes I ultimately effect involve an iterative process of blowing up side bars or vaporizing the site entirely.

In short, I have come to know my limitations. Over the years, we have amassed some pretty potent content (if I do say so myself). I have always made it a point to stay away from the standard meaningless links — “For Buyers!” or “For Sellers!” — and have tried to focus on content a visitor might not find anywhere else. To this end, our floor plan pages have been a big hit as have our market stats. But the thing I love most about our Ubertor site was also my undoing; they give me just enough rope to hang myself with. Thus at my hands our site was starting to remind me of that blind date with your friend’s cousin.

“Is she pretty?”

“She has a great personality!”

So, when it happened that I couldn’t bear to look our ugly Betty web site in the home page any longer, I sought professional help. My trepidation was that it would set off a nightmarish chain reaction, like changing clothes. Suddenly the shoes don’t match, then the handbag is all wrong, and so on. Thanks to deBruyn, from the design to the midnight move, there were very few glitches.

Now that we are newly decked out and feeling a little sassy, we are ready to tackle our next project. May snuck in while I wasn’t looking, and our local month-end stats will be posted soon. While you anxiously wait, glued to your screen, I’ll leave you with this teaser. Our San Diego market seems to be picking up some steam, at least in terms of activity. We have been so busy, in fact, that Steve forgot our bloggy anniversary. Some time in April we rolled past the three year mark here at the San Diego Home Blog, and he didn’t even send flowers. Men!

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