Andrew Garfield Plays β€œSpider-Man” Theme Song, Bike Races Jimmy Fallon on β€œThe Tonight Show”

The actor wowed the audience with a rendition of the "Spider-Man" theme song.

Andrew Garfield sang, played the guitar and beat Jimmy Fallon in a tiny bike race on "The Tonight Show."

But before the music and games, the star of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" said he had some fears about his "Saturday Night Live" hosting debut this weekend.

"I was dreading it before," Garfield admitted. "I've had nightmares about hosting 'Saturday Night Live'. I've even had nightmares where I sent someone in place of me because I buckled five minutes before my monologue."

"What did he look like? Did he have brown hair, grey suit?" Fallon said, suggesting the late-night host would fill in last minute. "It would be so bad if something bad happened to me Saturday afternoon."

"There is a character in one of the sketches that's definitely a Fallon character," Garfield said, then joked, "I'm playing him but I think you would be able to play it almost as good as me."

Fallon got back at him by revealing a fake "Slow Jam Spider-Man" figurine based on his recurring segment, complete with a microphone and stand.

Then, the two talked about his "Spider-Man" costar Emma Stone who proved she isn't afraid of lightning speed lyrics on the program a few days ago.

"That's my girl," Fallon said. "She was on the show and we did a lip synch battle and she destroyed me."

"She is just magic," Garfield said.

Then, Fallon said that while he was learning about Garfield on Wikipedia he read that the actor is learning how to play the guitar.

"I play very simple Cat Stevens songs," Garfield said shyly. After Fallon surprised him with a guitar, he said, "I'm no Adele Dazeem," making a joke based on John Travolta's Oscars flub.

Garfield was shy about playing the guitar, however the actor wowed the audience with a rendition of the "Spider-Man" theme song.

Finally, Fallon and Garfield raced with mini bikes around Fallon's studio.

Watch Garfield's performance above. You can also watch the race below.

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