Larry Page Suffered from Vocal Cord Paralysis

Google chief executive officer Larry Page decided to share his 14-year battle with vocal cord nerve problems and subsequent vocal paralysis on Google+.

Page posted on this personal page about his medical problem and that after several consultations with specialist that he's in recovery. From the post

Thankfully, after some initial recovery Iโ€™m fully able to do all I need to at home and at work, though my voice is softer than before. . . .In seeing different specialists, I met one doctor โ€” Dr. Steven Zeitels from the Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center โ€” who is really excited about the potential to improve vocal cord nerve function.  So Iโ€™ve arranged to fund a significant research program through the Voice Health Institute, which he will lead. 

Although Page didn't reveal the donation size, sources said the gift was more than $20 million, according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

A year ago, Page missed a few company events including shareholder meetings because of his vocal problems. Last June, it was finally revealed that Page had lost his voice. The reason, however, was cloaked in mystery, causing many to speculate the condition was anything from laryngitis to spasmodic dysphonia. It also caused some analysts to question his ability to lead.

Now armed with a voice, Page will be able to lead and represent Google in all its annual and shareholder meetings.

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