Minneapolis Officer at Center of George Floyd's Death Had History of Prior Complaints

Derek Chauvin and three fellow officers were fired Tuesday

NBCUniversal, Inc.

The Minneapolis police officer seenΒ kneeling on the neck of an unarmed black manΒ heard saying "I can't breathe" multiple times before he died was a 19-year department veteran who was the subject of a dozen police conduct complaints that resulted in no disciplinary action.

The officer, who was praised for valor during his career, also once fired his weapon during an encounter with a suspect, records show.

The officer, Derek Chauvin, and three fellow officers were fired Tuesday from the Minneapolis Police Department, one day after the incident involving George Floyd, whose cries of physical pain were recorded on a cellphone video and whose death led toΒ tense anti-police brutality protests overnight in Minnesota's largest city.

An investigation including state authorities is being led by the FBI. Chauvin, 44, who is white, is being represented by lawyer Tom Kelly, who declined to comment when contacted by NBC News. Efforts to reach the other officers for comment were unsuccessful Wednesday.

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