San Diego

Weekend Storm Bringing Strong Winds, Could Down Trees

On Saturday, forecasts show winds speeds as high as 35 miles per hour in San Diego

Rain and wind are in the forecast over the holiday weekend and that may pose a serious threat to trees in your yard.

“The fact is that trees might be stressed due to low water and the root system isn't as sturdy,” said Fausto Palafox, the owner of Mission Hills Nursery. “If we do get a severe wind, it could knock them over.”

There are signs you can check for: First, look at the ground. If you see cracks or shifting, that could be a potential sign that the wind is uprooting the tree. Second, check to see if your trees are upright. If any lean, you may have problems.

“You should do some preventative maintenance and get a professional tree-trimmer to come out and prune out the tree and take the sail out of it," Palafox said.

He described trees branches like sails on a ship. The more branches, the more wind they pick up. Also, the more likely they will break or fall over.

On Saturday, forecasts show winds speeds as high as 35 miles per hour in San Diego.

Now if you don’t have time, have trouble trees trimmed by the time this storm strikes. Palafox said you can stake your trees to the ground with rope as a temporary way to brave the rain.

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