San Diego

Suspect Strikes ATM With Stolen Forklift in Attempted Theft

When deputies checked the area, they found the ATM smashed by the forklift with significant damage.

A suspect caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage by striking an ATM at Chase Bank early Sunday, using a stolen forklift in Vista, according to the San Diego Sheriff's Department (SDSO).

At about 5 a.m. the man stole a forklift from a nearby construction site and drove to the Chase Bank at East Vista Way, said an SDSO detective. The suspect appears to have attempted to remove the entire ATM.

When deputies came by to check the area, they found the ATM smashed by the forklift with significant damage.

There have been no arrests made in this case, according to the SDSO. It was unknown how much the forklift will cost to replace.

The SDSO has contacted Chase Bank for security footage of the crime. No further information was immediately available.

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