A suspect who was involved in an officer-involved shooting was arrested Tuesday night.
The San Diego police said that after officers ID'd themselves, they forced entry into the Normal Heights home to find David Darcy, 31, standing in a doorway about a dozen feet away, pointing a rifle at a detective who had made entry.
The detective, who has been on the force for seven years, was part of a Mid City Division Narcotics Team that was serving a search warrant in the 4300 block of 33rd Street in San Diego.
The cop shot at Darcy several times, according to police, then the team "retreated." A police spokesman said Darcy did not return fire.
"All I heard was a pop, pop, pop, pop, and I closed my blinds and turned off my lights," said Sheila Jackson, a neighbor who was evacuated during the ensuing SWAT standoff.
Police, however, said the detective only fired twice. What Jackson might have heard was the police shooting a pit bull they said they believed was Darcy's. The dog turned out to be a watchdog for a nearby business. It was taken to an animal hospital for treatment.
Police discover that Darcy was unharmed when he surrendered a little less than two hours later. Investigators said he was arrested and charged with assault on a peace officer.