
Stranger Attempts to Take Syrian Refugee Boy in El Cajon

Amneh Tulfah, 29, lives with her husband and five children in El Cajon, all refugees from Syria

A Syrian mother said she encountered a close call after a man knocked on her door in El Cajon and attempted to take her eldest son last week.

Amneh Tulfah, 29, lives with her husband and five children in El Cajon, all refugees from Syria.

She spoke to NBC 7 about the incident through a translator Thursday.

While her husband was away at work, Tulfah explained an unidentified man knocked on her door and said he looking for her 10-year-old son, Mohammad.

The man told her he was sent by Rady Children’s Hospital and he was here to take her child to an appointment that the 10-year-old had allegedly missed earlier that morning.

Tulfah explained that it was strange the man knew Mohammad had been in and out of hospital visits due to a broken arm.

She said when she requested identification, the man did not comply. Tulfah called her husband who told her to tell the man to leave.

She said that it was a close call and for a moment she doubted if, in fact, the man was representing the hospital.

The family has filed a report with the El Cajon Police Department.

Police told NBC 7, they are investigating the case.

The Tulfah’s hope by sharing their story another Syrian refugee family will not fall victim in such a case.

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