Smartphone Application Battles PTSD

The Pentagon has developed apps for soldiers dealing with PTSD

Military health officials are creating new ways to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries.

But instead of turning to conventional methods, they have created smartphone application to help deal with the invisible wounds of war.

The Pentagon and the Veterans Affairs Department have developed a half-dozen apps with names like "T2 MoodTracker," "PTSD Coach" and "Breathe2Relax.” While the apps aren't designed to replace treatment or make a diagnosis, they offer information about mental health issues -- and techniques for managing the symptoms.

The Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control based in San Diego recently held a conference for prevention and treatment of stress-related troop injuries.

“We find there's a lot individuals can do, as well as their families, to help build this resilience and that it doesn't have to be a negative impact when they go off to war,” officials said at the conference. “There are actually positive steps they can take so they can rebound and come back to the person that they were."

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