San Diego

Parking Enforcement Returns in San Diego

Those who violate streets sweeping, time limits, metered parking and yellow commercial zones will once again be fined when the enforcement begins

NBCUniversal, Inc.

You’re going to want to start minding parking meters again since San Diego will resume its parking enforcement beginning July.

Due to the stay-at-home orders that were issued because of the coronavirus pandemic, America’s Finest City suspended citations for most parking spots as of March 16. However, the city will return to enforcing all parking regulations on Wednesday.

The first two weeks of July will serve as a grace period in which violators will be given written warnings. After that, fines will be issued to any corresponding citations beginning July 15.

“As the City begins to take careful and measured steps to reopen, we need to make sure parking enforcement, especially in our business districts, allows for a healthy flow of customers, ensures accessibility and reinvests back into our communities,” Deputy Chief Operating Officer Erik Caldwell said in a statement.

Businesses are grateful for the return of parking enforcement. Index Urban Travel Shop owner Jon Cantwell agreed that the parking meters didn't need to be utilized at the beginning of the stay-at-home order, but now that businesses are back, he wants to see patrons prioritized again.

"It will be nice to see the rotation of cars coming in instead of someone just taking the parking all day long," Cantwell said. "I think that's been abused a bit."

But some drivers, like Cynthia Savage, never noticed they were off in the first place.

"There's no words on the screen so I wasn't sure and I asked the woman who walked by and I said I hope they're not giving tickets," Savage said.

Evolve Hair Parlor Owner Mario Garcia said he noticed that happen to a lot of customers during the shutdown.

"Not a lot of people knew," Garcia said. "We tend to see a lot of customers still trying to pay and call the phone number in there trying to see if there's a way they can pay."

Those who violate streets sweeping, time limits, metered parking and yellow commercial zones will once again be fined when the enforcement begins.

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