Food Bank Honors MLK's Values

Kaiser Permanente and the San Diego Food Bank partnered for the 11th year in a row to honor the values Martin Luther King, Jr. preached by giving to those in need.

More than 75 employees spent Monday Morning cleaning, sorting, bagging, and boxing hundreds of pounds of food for needy families in San Diego.

"This day underscores Kaiser Permanente's long-standing commitment to both diversity and community benefit, while providing a unique opportunity for us to serve those who are food insecure," said Jane Finley, Senior Vice President and Area Manager for Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. "We hope that other San Diego organizations and community members will join us in using the MLK holiday as an opportunity to serve the community."

“Kaiser Permanente is really about what we as an organization [are], and what our staff and physicians can give back as a community,” Dr. Paul Bernstein told NBC 7. “Kaiser Permanente is committed to really doing everything in the community to help those in need and this gives us an opportunity to really do that.”

The staff and physicians also provided health screenings and health education to more than 150 community members earlier this month during an MLK celebration at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park.

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