Flu Season Starts in San Diego

Hundreds of San Diegans gathered at Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center on Friday to receive free flu shots.

Since October marks the start of flu season across the country, local health professionals wanted to warn locals about the dangers of influenza. San Diego Black Nurses Association also gave free flu shots to 500 people.

Last year, 14 people in San Diego County died from influenza.

Health officials recommend anyone older than six months get the shot.

β€œPeople don't get the flu from the flu shot. That's a myth,” said Dean Sidelinger, a child health medical officer. β€œSo people who assume that need to know that's not true, so it's okay for them to get the flu shot. For people afraid of needles, if they're between 2 and 49 years old who are otherwise healthy, they can get a nasal spray vaccine and not even have to get a shot.”

The county offers flu shots at public centers and other locations throughout the county.

Flu season usually lasts until around March.

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