Firefighters Prepare for Santa Ana Winds

Firefighters are doing all they can to prepare for Santa Ana winds.  Massive U.S. Department of Forestry Air tankers stood alongside two Super Scooper aircraft which were rented from Canada
"These super-scoopers are filled with 1,000 gallons of water at take-off and then they hit local lakes and fill-up with 1,500 more" said Battalion Chief Ray Chaney, who directs air operations at Cal Fire.  In total, there are 10 fixed-wing aircraft, 9 helicopters and marine aircraft standing by to put out any fires that may ignite.
But officials say even with the impressive firefighting equipment, residents must remain vigilant.  "Please don't be lulled into a sense of complacency just because we have a large amount of aircraft. We still need your help" said Chaney.  By help, he means clearing 100 feet of defensible space around the home.
Officials also remind residents to discuss an evacuation plan with their families so everyone knows what to do when the time comes.
Santa Ana conditions are expected to arrive in the county on Sunday night carrying winds of 20 to 30 miles per hour and gusts of up to 45 miles per hour.  Hot, dry Santa Ana winds raise the danger of fire around the county and other parts of California.

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