$91M Awarded to San Diego Airport From Stimulus Package

A plane lands at San Diego International Airport
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San Diego International Airport will receive over $91 million from the newly created Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Airport Grant Program, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao announced Tuesday.

Across the country, about $10 billion will be distributed to airports to fund continued operations during this crisis and save workers’ jobs, Chao said. In California, 188 airports will receive over $1.08 billion.

The funds are available for airport capital expenditures, airport operating expenses including payroll and utilities, and airport debt payments.

San Diego Airport will receive $91,221,894 to help mitigate the sharp decline in passenger traffic and other airport business due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Smaller local airports such as Gillespie Field and Brown Field are receiving $157,000 in funds.

The airport receiving the most funding in the state is Los Angeles International with $323.6 million followed by San Francisco International with $254.78 million.

The FAA encouraged airport sponsors to spend the grant funds immediately to help minimize any adverse impact from the current public health emergency.

To view a map of all the airports receiving money, click here.

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