Groovy Like a Movie has gone green and gets top billing from the San Diego Area Green Business Program for its groovy conservation practices. They did it all in six months, '"rom the way they dispense snacks in the kitchen to the way they reuse paint on the sets" according to KariLyn Merlos, a Pollution Prevention specialist with the county of San Diego.
"Going green is not just another cool thing everyone else is doing. For us, being environmental champions means taking on a shared responsibility. " says Groovy.
Michael Callahan, Groovy's stage manager wrote about going green in his blog. Here's a sample:
"At groovy we precycle by offering our staff and crew washable sports bottles to use in the building as well as permanent wear in the kitchen. We also buy in bulk, choose products such as 100% recycled action rain forest certified copy paper among others as examples."
Find out more about the County's Green Business program and you how you can turn your business green.