Where else can you get a job interivew or an audition for a part on a reality TV show and then drink to your success in one location?
If you're in business, entertainment or health and fitness, job seekers can show their best side at an open interview at Bar Basic, March 22. The event is for those 18 and over with no admission fee.
A Casting Party follows the interviews with food and drink specials and live DJ music.
A large variety of successful entrepreneurs and business owners are teaming up looking for job seekers, students, interns, talent, artists and more at a "Business and Talent Casting Call" according to Yelp.com. Companies are also filling roles with The Novalena Show, as well as upcoming feature films and online tv shows and looking for award show attendees.
To find a list of the companies involved and where to send your resume, click on Business and Talen Casting Call.