Angry parents say changes must be made in high schools sports and are criticizing a new report
A group of parents calling themselves Citizens Against CIF is complaining that a high school sports governing body, the California Interscholastic Federation, has discriminated against high schools south of Interstate 8 that have more minority students and favored predominately white high schools north of I-8.
The critics claim that "innocent minority athletes" were wrongly punished for the alleged actions of parents and coaches, and that the CIF relied on false and inaccurate information to "punish minority athletes and coaches."
A 28-page investigative report, however, said there was not enough evidence to substantiate any of the 10 complaints about alleged bias and found no hard evidence that teams south of I-8 were disciplined more often -- and more harshly -- than schools to the north of the freeway.
On Tuesday, at least two community members who have been critical of the CIF walked out of a meeting with the CIF in frustration. They criticized the fairness of the report and said the CIF's governing board should have more minority representation.
Parents also criticized the CIF for releasing the report just minutes before discussing it. The federation promises the report will be discussed again, in public, at another meeting.