Live Updates: More Protests Sweep US Cities; Mother of Floyd's Daughter Laments His Loss

President Donald Trump on Tuesday turned up the pressure on governors to quell the violence

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Nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died while in police custody in Minneapolis last week, continued Tuesday after a week of both peaceful demonstrations and scattered looting.

Protests ranged across the U.S., including New York City, Los Angeles, Houston, St. Paul, Minnesota, Columbia, South Carolina, and Orlando, Florida, where more than 1,000 people gathered in the afternoon to decry the killings of black people.

“This has to change,” said 39-year-old Aisxia Batiste, an out-of-work massage therapist in Orlando. “Something has to give. We’re done. This is the beginning of the end of something. It has to be.”

The massive protests started after last week's death of Floyd, who died after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes during an arrest, including for some time after Floyd had stopped moving and saying he couldn't breathe. A medical examiner ruled Floyd's death a homicide on Monday.

Floyd’s death in Minneapolis came after tensions had already flared after two white men were arrested in May for the February shooting death of black jogger Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, and the Louisville police shooting death of Breonna Taylor in her home in March.

Here are the latest developments in the unrest sparked by the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd:

6 Atlanta Officers Charged After Students Pulled From Car

Six Atlanta police officers have been charged after a dramatic video showed authorities pulling two young people from a car and shooting them with stun guns while they were stuck in traffic caused by protests over George Floyd’s death, a prosecutor said Tuesday.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced the charges during a news conference. Atlanta police did not immediately have a comment Tuesday.

“I feel a little safer now that these monsters are off of the street and no longer able to terrorize anyone else,” said 22-year-old Messiah Young, who was dragged from the vehicle along with his girlfriend, 20-year-old Taniyah Pilgrim.

In Boston, Protesters Hold Die-in, March

A major demonstration to denounce police brutality against black people was held in Boston Tuesday as anger over the death of George Floyd continues to roil the city and the nation, NBC Boston reported.

Hundreds of peaceful demonstrators gathered for a "Not One More" rally at Franklin Park and Blue Hill Ave. for a "die-in" held at 5 p.m. before a march toward Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, which is on the other side of the park.

Protesters Defy Curfew in NYC

Large groups of protesters defied New York City's new, earlier curfew as crowds were seen still marching in different locations after 8 p.m. Tuesday — but there were very few reports of looting, violence or rampant vandalism that plagued the city just one night before.

One crowd was seen making its way from Brooklyn over the Manhattan Bridge just before 9 p.m. Tuesday, while at least one other group was marching along West End Avenue on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Other smaller groups were seen throughout the city as well, NBC New York reported.

Mother of Floyd's Daughter Laments His Loss

The mother of George Floyd’s 6-year-old daughter, Gianna, said Tuesday that she wanted the world to know that her little girl lost a good father who would never get to see his daughter grow up.

“I want everybody to know that this is what those officers took. At the end of the day, they get to go home and be with their families,” Roxie Washington said during a Minneapolis news conference with her young daughter at her side. “I’m here for my baby and I’m here for George because I want justice for him. I want justice for him because he was good. No matter what anybody thinks, he was good.”

Retired Admiral 'Sickened' by Use of National Guard Against Protesters

 A former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says he was “sickened” to see National Guard troops and other security personnel forcibly clear protesters from a square near the White House to facilitate President Donald Trump’s walk to a nearby church to pose for photographers.

Calling the visit Monday a “stunt,” Mike Mullen, a retired Navy admiral who headed the military from 2007 to 2011, wrote in The Atlantic on Tuesday it laid bare what he called Trump’s “disdain” for the rights of peaceful protesters. He said it also risked further politicizing the military.

Mullen cautioned against an overly aggressive use of the military to restrain the sometimes-violent protests around the country. He said he has confidence in the professionalism of the troops but worries about the soundness of the orders they would be given by Trump.

Floyd Family Joins March to Protest His Death by Police

The family of George Floyd, the man whose death in Minneapolis police custody triggered nationwide protests, joined thousands of demonstrators Tuesday afternoon to march in Houston in protest of Floyd's death.

Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis policeman pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes, grew up in Houston and a public memorial and burial is planned there for next week.

Chicago Mayor Calls for Police Reforms

Protesters, many peaceful, gathered and marched in Chicago again Tuesday following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Also Tuesday, Mayor Lori Lightfoot delivered a "State of the City" address, laying out several proposals for reform in the Chicago Police Department, NBC Chicago reported.

Lightfoot, speaking from City Hall, proposed several accountability measures, including more training for officers about the history of the communities they serve, additional wellness programs and expansion of an early intervention pilot program.

Bush: 'It Is Time for America to Examine Our Tragic Failures'

Former President George W. Bush released a lengthy statement on Tuesday calling on the country to listen to black Americans and “examine our tragic failures.”

“It is a strength when protesters, protected by responsible law enforcement, march for a better future," he wrote in a lengthy statement. "This tragedy — in a long series of similar tragedies — raises a long overdue question: How do we end systemic racism in our society?”

For the full story, go to NBC News.

Virginia County Pulls Officers From DC After Trump Photo-op

Arlington County, Virginia, pulled its officers out of the District of Columbia Monday night after they played a supporting role in clearing protesters from a park outside the White House so the president could walk to a church for a photo opportunity.

The County Board issued a statement Monday night saying its officers were used “for a purpose not worthy of our mutual aid obligations.”

Arlington officers joined a team of federal law enforcers using chemical agents and flash bangs to forcibly remove a large group of peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park.

That cleared a path for President Donald Trump, vowing a crackdown from the Rose Garden, to walk in front of the White House over to St. John's Church, which had been damaged in earlier protests. Trump then posed with a Bible for a few minutes.

'It Was a Disgrace': NYC Curfew Extended After Night of Mayhem Post-Protests

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio extended an 8 p.m. curfew all week after the city’s first curfew since 1943 failed to stem looting at stores in parts of the city.

“We’re going to have a tough few days. We’re going to beat it back,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Tuesday as he announced that an 8 p.m.-to-5 a.m. curfew would hold through Sunday.

The plan came after a night when chaos broke out in midtown Manhattan and the Bronx.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the city’s response a “disgrace” and accused the mayor and the NYPD of failing to do their jobs Tuesday night in the face of the looting, NBC New York reported.

“I believe the mayor underestimates the scope of the problem. I think he underestimates the duration of the problem,” Cuomo said.

He noted the NYPD — the "largest police department" in the U.S. — has 38,000 members, and they should’ve all been deployed to "protect property." The NYPD doubled patrol on duty to respond to the unrest.

Nearly 2,000 people have been arrested over five days of New York City protests so far, with 700 arrests Monday night into Tuesday.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday taunted New York elected officials on Twitter and pushed for the National Guard to be deployed to the city, which de Blasio has rejected.

Flood of Blackout Tuesday Posts Using BLM Hashtag Drowns Out Vital Info for Protesters

What started as a way for the music industry to protest the death of George Floyd, with major labels asking their employees to take the day off on Tuesday "to collectively reflect" on ways affect change, proved to be a liability as the "Blackout Tuesday" movement spread beyond the entertainment world.

Social media platforms like Instagram were flooded with black squares tagged under the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, leading many to say it was drowning out information on protests, fundraisers, and documented police violence.

Warner Music Group, Sony Music, Columbia Records, Def Jam Recording, Interscope Geffen A&M, Capitol Music Group and more were among those participating with many companies making donations to organizations fighting against racial injustice.

In a statement by Atlantic Records, the label says that it will be working towards making future changes within Warner Music Group and the industry as a whole.

"The music business at WMG will not go on as usual," the statement said. "While this is only one day, we are committed to continuing this fight for real change. We will be using this day to collectively reflect on what we as a company can do to put action towards change, and we will be taking steps in the coming weeks and months."

'No More Excuses': Biden Calls on Congress to Outlaw Choke Holds, Stop Militarizing Police Forces

Joe Biden blistered President Donald Trump a day after police drove back peaceful protesters near the White House so Trump could pose with a Bible before a damaged church.

Biden said Trump’s “narcissism has become more important than the nation that he leads.”  The former vice president spoke in Philadelphia, addressing “the civil unrest facing communities across America” in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

Biden said "the moment has come” to deal with systemic racism and deeply ingrained economic inequality — and insisted that the nation can't wait until November's election and its outcome.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Tuesday called on Congress to pass legislation to outlaw the use of chokeholds by police departments. The former vice president said George Floyd protests were a “wake-up call” and that President Donald Trump was “part of the problem.”

He called on Congress to act on "real police reform," citing proposed legislation outlawing choke holds, stopping the transfers of “weapons of war to police forces” and to “create a model use of force standard.”

“No more excuses, no delays,” Biden said.

Biden stepped up his criticism of Trump as he works to elevate his voice in the national debate — after more than two months of the campaign for the White House being frozen amid the outbreak of the coronarvius.

“This president today is part of the problem and accelerates it,” Biden said, adding that Trump is “consumed with his blinding ego."

Read the full story here.

'He Didn't Come Here to Pray': DC Bishop Outraged Over Trump Church Visit

The bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington sharply criticized President Donald Trump for staging a visit to the historic St. John's Church across from the White House, where he held up a Bible after authorities had cleared the area of peaceful protesters.

Rev. Mariann Budde, whose diocese St. John's belongs to, said she was “outraged” by Trump's visit and noted that he didn’t pray while stopping by the church, a landmark known for its regular visits from sitting presidents since the early 19th century.

Trump stood in front of the church holding a Bible on Monday evening. Earlier, in an address from the White House Rose Garden, the president said he would use military force to stop the riots.

"Consider the context," Budde said Monday in an interview on the TODAY show. "After making a highly charged, emotional speech to the nation where he threatened military force, his officials cleared peaceful protests with tear gas and horses and walked on to the courtyard of St. John's Church and held up a Bible as if it were a prop or an extension of his military and authoritarian position, and stood in front of our building as if it were a backdrop for his agenda. That was the offense that I was speaking to."

Asked if she knew what Trump hoped to accomplish with Monday's visit to St. John's, Budde said she didn't know, but it "did not the spiritual aspirations or the needed moral leadership that we need. It did not address the grievous wounds that were are dealing with and the agony of our country.”

Trump had only been there once before during his presidency, on the day of his inauguration, Budde said.

Read the full story here.

President Trump on Monday threatened to deploy active duty military units to states around the country to crack down on protests against police brutality, as demonstrators marched for a seventh night in a row.

Dozens of Pepper-Sprayed Protesters Take Refuge in DC Home

A man in Washington, D.C., opened his doors to dozens of protesters overnight after he said officers were physically attacking and pepper-spraying the demonstrators, NBC Washington reported.

Up to 60 people took refuge in Rahul Dube's home after being followed by police officers apparently trying to enforce the District's 7 p.m. curfew, according to those inside.

Protesters emerged from the three-story rowhome a few minutes after a citywide curfew expired at 6 a.m. Tuesday and clapped for the man who housed them overnight.

News4's Justin Finch talks to a Northwest D.C. resident who took in protesters after a confrontation with police.

George Floyd's Family Told to Expect Charges for Other Officers, Lawyer Says

A lawyer representing George Floyd's family said Tuesday they were told to expect other officers will face charges over the Minneapolis man's death.

"That is what the families are hearing from the authorities," attorney Benjamin Crump said on TODAY.

Officer Derek Chauvin, 44, who was seen on video with his knee pinned to Floyd's neck, was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. He was fired along with three other officers who were at the scene and faces more than 12 years in prison if convicted of murder.

Crump said he expected charges against Chauvin to be upgraded to first-degree murder. And an autopsy by pathologists hired by the family bolstered the case for charges against the other officers at the scene because it found "knees on the back" also contributed to Floyd's death, he said.

"He couldn't breathe — asphyxia due to compression of the neck and the back," Dr. Michael Baden, the former chief medical examiner of New York City, said yesterday in describing his findings from his autopsy. "And that's homicidal."

The independent autopsy differs from findings by the Hennepin County medical examiner which said Floyd's death was a homicide but also alleged he had "significant" underlying conditions and potential intoxicants in his system, which he did not explain. Toxicology results can take weeks.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison on Tuesday confirmed his office is “considering all charges,” telling ABC's "Good Morning America" that "they're all on the table," but noting prosecutors have to work carefully and methodically.

Ellison said despite the widely viewed bystander video of Floyd’s final moments, cases against police are hard. He pointed to the deaths of Freddie Gray and Philando Castile, and the beating of Rodney King, as examples of cases where striking video of an incident did not lead to convictions of officers.

Ellison did not give a timeline for any new charges. But he noted that, “There is nobody who has culpability who will not be held accountable.”

Asked about ongoing protests against police brutality Tuesday, Crump cited the need for equal justice so all children "can believe they are part of the American dream."

"The only way to put out these fires is police accountability and equal justice," he said.

4 Police Officers Struck by Gunfire During Night of Violence in St. Louis

Four police officers were struck by gunfire in St. Louis amid violence that followed protests, police said early Tuesday. None of the injuries were believed to be life-threatening and all the officers were conscious, police said. They have been taken to area hospitals, NBC News reports.

St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Commissioner John W. Hayden said at a news conference that the four officers were near a police line when they felt pain and realized they were injured. People had pelted officers with rocks and fireworks throughout the night, he said, and looted stores.

"I believe some coward randomly shot at the police line," Hayden said. Two officers were hit in the leg, one in the foot and one in the arm, Hayden said, adding that police have not made any arrests, and did not immediately know if there was a single shooter or more than one. 

Committee to Protect Journalists: 125 Press Freedom Infringements Since Friday

At least 125 press freedom violations were reported by journalists across the U.S. in the last three days of protest, the Committee to Protect Journalists said.

The independent non-profit said in a statement that the infringements include 20 arrests and several accounts of journalists being hit with tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets, and called on local and state authorities to stop targeting media workers, NBC News reports.

“We are horrified by the continued use of harsh and sometimes violent actions of police against journalists doing their jobs. These are direct violations of press freedom, a fundamental Constitutional value of the United States,” said CPJ Program Director Carlos Martinez de la Serna. “We call on local and state officials to explicitly exempt the news media from curfew regulations so that journalists are able to report freely.”

Journalists covering the nationwide protests against police brutality have been targets of police themselves, with law enforcement tear gassing, shooting at and arresting reporters and leaving one journalist permanently blind.

Hundreds Detained on Bridge in Dallas Protest

Nearly 200 people were detained after police surrounded protesters in Dallas on the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, confronting them and firing what appeared to be rubber bullets, NBC DFW reported.

Police illuminated the bridge at 7 p.m. Monday and hemmed in the protesters, who originated their march at the nearby Frank Crowley Courts Building. Dallas police Chief U. Renee Hall issued a curfew in parts of the city for 7 p.m., but the order did not include the courthouse or the bridge.

People began yelling at officers, which is when the police started firing rubber bullets, according to NBC DFW.

Las Vegas Police Officer Shot Amid Protests

A police officer was shot during a protest in the area of the Las Vegas Strip early Tuesday morning, according to police.

The officer's condition is not known at this time. It's unclear if anyone else was injured in the shooting or if any arrests have been made.

Officers are responding to a separate officer-involved shooting, also on Las Vegas Boulevard, police said. It's unclear if there were any injuries.

NBC News' Joy Ling Kent Hit by Firework as Seattle Protest Gets Chaotic

At Least 2 Killed, 60 Arrested Amid Unrest in Chicago Suburb Cicero

Officials in suburban Cicero say that two people were killed during unrest in the community on Monday, and that at least 60 people have been arrested, NBC Chicago reports.

There were numerous reports of looting and clashes between looters and police as violence erupted in the city Monday. NBC’s Sky 5 helicopter was over the scene of multiple clashes, including one at a liquor store that ended with several individuals being taken from the scene in handcuffs.

According to Cicero officials, more than 100 police officers remain on the streets, and authorities have also called in approximately 120 officers from the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the Illinois State Police to provide assistance.

2 Buffalo Police Officers Hit by SUV During Protest, Officials Say

Two police officers were hit by an SUV during a protest in Buffalo, New York, Monday night, officials said.

Both officers have non-life-threatening injuries. New York State police confirmed that one of their officers was hit. They say the officer remains in the hospital.

The driver and a passenger in the vehicle were arrested, Buffalo's city manager said.

Also Monday, Buffalo Police spokesman Michael DeGeorge said two people were struck by gunfire during the protest. It was not immediately known whether the shots came from police or others, he said. They were being treated at the same hospital.

Democratic Governors Reject Trump's Call to Send in Military

Democratic governors of some of the nation's most populous states on Monday pushed back against President Donald Trump's threat to deploy the U.S. military unless they dispatch National Guard units to “dominate the streets” in reaction to the violence that has erupted across the country.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said he doesn't believe the federal government can send military troops into his state. He accused the president of creating an “incendiary moment” by threatening to do just that to quell violence that has arisen as demonstrators have taken to the streets in reaction to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Pritzker was among the first governors to react to Trump's comments, which came hours after the president called governors “weak” and urged them to take a more aggressive response to weekend violence. It came as Americans gathered to protest police brutality against black Americans following the killing of Floyd, who was handcuffed and on the ground pleading for air as a white police officer pressed a knee on his neck for several minutes.

In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has not deployed the state's National Guard to New York City, although he said earlier Monday the state had 13,000 troops that “we can use at any moment.”

“I say thank you but no thank you," Cuomo said on CNN about Trump's call to send military troops to the states.

At least 23 states and the District of Columbia had already deployed guard troops as of Monday morning, according to a statement from the National Guard. It wasn't clear whether the action would be enough to satisfy the president. Trump took no questions from reporters and did not say how he would decide whether a state's response was sufficient.

Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington, who has activated the state's guard, said in a statement he prays “no soldier and no civilian is injured or killed by this reckless fit.”

“This president has repeatedly proven he is incapable of governing and shown nothing but false bravado throughout the chaos that has accompanied his time in office," Inslee said in a statement.

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, also a Democrat, said any suggestions the state's National Guard is ill equipped to handle the states needs is “misinformed.” "As the Commander In Chief of the Nevada National Guard I can state, categorically, that they have done their duty to protect all Nevadans, and will continue to do so.”

President Trump calls on governors to call in the National Guard and "dominate" protesters after days of demonstrations against police brutality spurred by the death of George Floyd.

'Abundance of Caution': Bureau of Prisons’ 122 Facilities Locked Down Over Floyd Protests

The Federal Bureau of Prisons on Monday announced it locked down all 122 facilities it oversees nationwide due to ongoing civil unrest sparked by the killing of George Floyd.

The temporary security measure that went into effect in the afternoon was taken "in an abundance of caution" due to the nationwide protests, some of which turned to riots. There are more than 165,000 inmates in federal custody.

No inmates will be moved during the lockdown to ensure the safety of staff and the inmates, BOP added.

Read the full story here

More Than 200 Arrested as NYC Extends Curfew

New York City will have a curfew imposed to crack down on protest violence, and more cops will be on the streets Monday and Tuesday night to assist that effort, Mayor Bill de Blasio's announced.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo first announced Monday's 11 p.m curfew in an afternoon interview on WAMC radio. One hour before it was set to begin, the mayor said the violence and destruction already underway prompted his decision to impose a curfew Tuesday night as well, starting at 8 p.m.; both curfews end the following morning at 5 a.m. Essential workers, people experiencing homelessness and those seeking medical attention will be exempt from the curfew.

In the two hours leading up to Monday's curfew, dozens of looters spread out between Midtown and Union Square, in some instances ripping off plywood to break into stores. Crowds were spotted running out, hands full of merchandise from Macy's, Best Buy, Foot Looker, Duane Reade as well as the Microsoft and AT&T stores.

A police spokesperson said, "there are packs of youths running as fast as they can, smashing windows as fast as they can, and police are trying to catch them as soon as possible." As a result the NYPD has made more than 200 arrests, NBC New York reported.

Louisville Police Chief Fired After Officer Bodycams Off During Fatal Shooting

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer announced Monday that Metro Police Chief Steve Conrad has been relieved of command in response to officers involved in a deadly shooting with a business owner having not activated their body cameras, NBC News reported.

David McAtee, the owner of a barbecue restaurant, was killed after Louisville officers and the National Guard were sent to a parking lot to break up a crowd at around 12:15 a.m. on Monday.

"David was a friend to many, a well-known barbecue man that nurtured so many people in their bellies and their hearts before," Fischer said. "And for him to be caught up in this, for him to not be here with us, is a tragedy. It's just hard to put into words."

Conrad had said that officers were "shot at" at some point and returned fire. It's yet clear who fired the shot that killed McAtee. Two officers involved in the shooting did not have their cameras activated.

Officers in Louisville were required to wear active body cameras in response to the death of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old black EMT worker. Taylor was killed in her home in March while officers served a "no-knock" warrant.

Trump Sending Military to Protect DC

President Donald Trump said Monday he was immediately deploying "thousands and thousands of heavily armed" military and law enforcement to protect Washington, D.C.

D.C. will be under a citywide curfew for another two nights after unrest over the death of George Floyd flared into clashes with law enforcement, looting and the setting of multiple fires, NBC Washington reported.

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