Illinois High School Students Put School on Craigslist for Senior Prank

Included in the "sale" are all the underclassmen and a "spacious but outdated lunch room"

Students at an Illinois high school played the ultimate senior prank when they put their school up for sale on Craiglist.

A group of graduating seniors at Sandwich High School in Sandwich, Ill., located southwest of Chicago, placed an advertisement on Craigslist for their school with an asking price of $2,015 -- for the year they graduate.

The students have not been identified yet, but Principal Thomas Sodaro says all the students are laughing about it in the hallways.

"If this is the worst we had for a senior prank, this is a pretty good year," Sodaro said.

The advertisement lists underclassmen in the package deal along with two gymnasiums, two locker rooms, two hallways and 30-plus rooms. It also lists a "spacious but outdated lunch room," 10 bathrooms (most without doors) and a "fully functioning trailer park out back."

Despite the slight stabs at the school, Sodaro said he found the description humorous. He doesn't know which students placed the ad, but he said he probably won't go looking for them.

"I thought it was actually pretty clever," Sodaro said. "We have pretty good kids."

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