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‘Shred Your Ex' on Valentine's Day for Free Wings From Hooters

All the single ladies put your hands up for the Hooters Valentine’s Day promotion!

With the “shred your ex” promotion, customers can say goodbye to photos of their exes and get 10 free boneless wings when they buy 10 on Feb. 14.

If you visit Hooters on Valentine’s Day expect to see a shredder set up for your photo shredding needs. Alternatively, you can visit

Take a short quiz answering questions about your dearly departed relationship, upload a photo and get a recommendation of how to put those memories behind you. 

Then watch as that photo is digitally shredded, burned, buried or nailed to a dart board. Afterwards you can get a coupon for your free wings emailed to you.

The promotion first began in Southern California in 2007. In previous years the restaurant chain tried to make Valentine’s Day into a dating night with crab legs and champion but, Hooters “delightfully tacky yet unrefined” brand didn’t really attract a date night crowd, said Melissa Fry, director of marketing for Hooters Southern California franchises.

“Instead we decided to try and go after the single crowd,” Fry said.

It worked. Fry said Valentine’s Day sales jumped nearly 40 percent compared to the year prior.

“It speaks to a crowd that kind of gets overlooked on Valentine’s Day,” she said.

The Hooters girls enjoy it too, Fry said, often cheering on the patrons as they shred. Certain locations might offer special Valentine’s Day cocktails or other treats to accompany your shredding.

“It’s all about the atmosphere, making it fun and having a good time,” Fry said.

The promotion began nationwide last year and Fry said thanks to social media has become increasingly popular. 

“We see groups of girls come in to shred their exes and groups of guys coming in to do the same,” Fry said. “When the food is good and people are having a good time they just stay and talk.”

If things don’t work out you can always shred his or her picture next year in exchange for some more free wings.

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