Forbes: Beck Made $32M Last Year

Fox News host Glenn Beck made $32 million during a recent 12-month stretch ending March 1, according to an analysis conducted by Forbes.

In addition to his Fox News gig, Beck hosts a radio show, writes books, sells merchandise and goes on tour with a show that blends stand-up comedy and his brand of conservative politics.

Forbes estimates that Beck makes $13 million a year from his books and on a 10-issue-a-year magazine his company publishes named “Fusion.”

Beck’s radio deal attracts an additional $10 million a year — he is currently working through a five-year $50 million contract — and Fox pays him $2 million for his 5 p.m. show.

In addition, Forbes estimates that Beck makes $4 million off of digital ads and merchandise purchased at and $3 million from speaking fees and event appearances.

His production company, Mercury Radio Arts, which POLITICO reported in January fell behind on paying its taxes, employs 34 full-time employees.

Forbes’ story on Beck, which was posted online Wednesday night, will be the magazine’s cover story later this month.

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