Spring Running Dry

Month of March ends much drier than normal

We needed another "Miracle March" and got the opposite.  The month is ending more than two inches below normal; at our official reporting station at Lindbergh Field only .18" fell for the month instead of the usual 2.25".

The deficit means, what started out as a wet winter ended as a dry one instead.  The months of November, December and February were all above normal but January and March fell below the line.  For the season, which runs from July 1st through the end of June, we're sitting at 8.94" instead of 9.74" leaving us .80" below average.

The good news is that Northern California is still above normal, both in the rainfall and snow-pack departments and they should get a couple of more storms in the coming days.  Here in San Diego, we have only a slight chance of getting any measurable moisture over the next week.

Back in the early 1990s, the entire state found itself in a severe drought situation but then March rolled around and it rained off and on for three straight weeks.  The drought ended and it was all because of, what became dubbed as "The Miracle March."

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