San Diego Oasis to Hold COVID-19 Webinar To Answer Questions From Seniors

The webinar will begin at 1 p.m. Friday and aims to alleviate any fears and concerns as well as answer questions

Alanna Quillen / NBC 5 News

San Diego Oasis, Sharp Healthcare and West PACE will host a free online community conversation on Friday to answer questions many of the region's older adults may have about the COVID-19 vaccine and its rollout.

Many of these older adults, who were categorized as a high-risk population to contract the COVID-19 virus, are receiving their vaccinations and are now able to venture out, with some doing so for the first time since the pandemic began a year ago.

At 1 p.m., the webinar will seek to answer these questions and alleviate fears.

"As the pandemic becomes less dominant, many people, especially our older adults, have many questions that have yet to be answered," said Simona Valanciute, president and CEO of San Diego Oasis, a local senior-focused nonprofit. "We want to ensure our members and other older adults in our region and around the country feel safe and prepared to journey back out into the community and meet with friends and family."

Speakers include Dr. Ken Druck, author of "Courageous Aging," Dr. Daniel Hoefer, a family physician for Sharp Healthcare and April Hall, Registered Nurse care coordinator at Gary & Mary West PACE.

The webinar will reflect on and review the past year, how it challenged the older adult community, and what we now face as the pandemic becomes less dominant.

Attendees will have an opportunity to talk about their fears, experiences and mourn their losses during this challenging year. The panelists will also discuss the best approaches and plans to prepare for reopenings, and what it will look like for older adults even once vaccinated.

"Many more people need to be vaccinated and it may take awhile longer to reduce the threat that the COVID-19 virus has posed for a year, but we will continue to progress and encourage our older adults to remain hopeful and confident as we transition into the next phase of the pandemic," Valanciute said. "We want older adults throughout our region to know they've never been alone and that San Diego Oasis is here to help keep them connected, engaged and independent."

Register for the webinar by clicking here.

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