San Diego Explained: New School Tests, Same Problems

Fewer than half of California students passed the new test tied to Common Core State Standards, but what exactly has changed and what remains the same under the new approach?

For one thing, the test was harder, requiring much more critical thinking. And while San Diego Unifiedโ€™s numbers showed that the district scored as well or better than both the county and state average, the numbers are still low overall, especially for Latinos, black students and English-learners.

In this week's San Diego Explained, NBC 7's Catherine Garcia talks with Voice of San Diego's Scott Lewis about that disparity - often referred to as the achievement gap - and other problems uncovered by the new test.

Fewer than half of California students passed the new Common Core standards, but how do the new measures compare to the old way of testing? NBC 7’s Catherine Garcia talks with the Voice of San Diego’s Scott Lewis to compare.
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