San Diego County

Imperial Beach New Development Plan Has Residents Worried They Might Be Left Homeless

The owners of Siesta RV Park notified residents several months ago the place many have called home for decades would be redeveloped.

People who live in an Imperial Beach RV park are worried that a plan to develop the area will leave them homeless.

The residents of Siesta RV Park met with city leaders Thursday night to discuss their options.

"They're trying to relocate us, but it's not a plan that's really good, to say the least," says Juan Navarez, who lives at the Siesta RV Park.

The owners of Siesta RV Park notified residents several months ago the place many have called home for decades would be redeveloped.

People who live at the RV Park on Palm Avenue are low income. Many say they can't afford to live anywhere else.

"Most of the trailers in there are 20 to 30 years old, it's not possible. But if you want to rent an apartment, it's about three to four times as much for the rent, so unlikely also," says Navarez.

The owner of Siesta RV Park has submitted its impact report to the city. It says the landowner will have to pay for RV's that qualify to be relocated to a new spot in San Diego County. However, the report also says it's going to be difficult to find spots the displaced neighbors can afford. People at the meeting say that highlights a bigger problem.

"We want more affordable housing in Imperial Beach," says Navarez.

With most residents living in RV's that are too old or too big to qualify to be moved to a new spot, many are wondering where they'll go.

"I was praying to God, I was praying to God saying please, please help other people who are struggling and us," says Elaine Chavez, a resident at Siesta RV Park.

The Imperial Beach city council has not approved the development plans, so there is still no set date for when the RV park will close.

NBC 7 did reach out to the owner of Siesta RV Park for a comment, but did not hear back. 

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