Pension Reform Makes It to Ballot

Thousands of signatures were gathered across the city

The Comprehensive Pension Reform Ballot Measure has qualified for a public vote with nearly 116,000 signatures certified by the San Diego city clerk.

Signatures were gathered across the city outside grocery stores and other heavily trafficked areas.

Council member Carl DeMaio was one of the authors and a driving force behind the reform, which raised more than $1 million to drastically change the current system.

The new program would have city workers have a 401(k) as opposed to pensions, and would cap the pensionable pay for current employees.

The plan is contested by DeMaio’s fellow mayoral candidate, Rep. Bob Filner (D - San Diego), who called β€œfinancially irresponsible" in a statement.

Voters will be able to decide when the reform measure appears on the June 12, 2012 ballot.

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